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Exam Code: 000-M249
Exam Name: IBM (IBM Cognos Financial Performance Management Sales Mastery Test vl)
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000-M249 (IBM Cognos Financial Performance Management Sales Mastery Test vl) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 Which financial reporting format, supported by IBM Clarity FSR, is quickly becoming the global standard
for exchanging business information because of how efficiently data can be tagged and analyzed.?
Answer: B
IBM pdf 000-M249 pdf 000-M249 answers real questions 000-M249
NO.2 What is NOT one of the three ways the world is changing according to the IBM Smarter Planet
A. intricate
B. instrumented
C. interconnected
D. intelligent
Answer: B
IBM 000-M249 000-M249 exam
NO.3 Which product is best suited for a company looking to automate their electronic financial reporting
processes to ensure regulatory compliance?
A. Clarity FSR
B. OpenPages ITG
C. Cognos Controller
D. Cognos TMl
Answer: C
IBM pdf 000-M249 000-M249 000-M249 original questions 000-M249
NO.4 Which agenda item is assigned the highest priority by Chief Information Officers (ClOs), according to
studies by IBM and Gartner?
A. compliance
B. business analytics
C. mobility solutions
D. risk management
Answer: B
IBM 000-M249 000-M249
NO.5 An organization is struggling to efficiently meet the financial reporting requirements in their country.
Which offering is designed specifically to help this customer automate their entire compliance lifecycle?
A. OpenPages UG
B. OpenPages Audit
C. OpenPages Operational Risk Management (ORM)
D. OpenPages Financial Controls Management (FCM)
Answer: D
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