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MB6-818 (AX 2009 Financials) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 At what specific day intervals, can a payment day be specified on the Payment day form in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2009?
Choose the 2 that apply.
Answer: AB
Microsoft MB6-818 certification training MB6-818 MB6-818 test answers
NO.2 Contoso has a compensation policy which guarantees its customers a reimbursement of 10% of the
invoice amount in case of product damage and the minimum refund is set to 5%. The customer,
Adventure Inc. makes a purchase of USD 10,000, where more than 50% of the goods are damaged. As
the reimbursement amount is greater than the minimum refund, where is the balance amount that is
payable to the customer, transferred in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009?
A.Vendor account
B.Customer account
C.Expense account
D.Profit and loss account
Answer: A
Microsoft original questions MB6-818 demo MB6-818 MB6-818 MB6-818 demo
NO.3 What are the row type options available to create a row structure in the Structure designer form in
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009?
Choose the 2 that apply.
C.Group Total
Answer: AD
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NO.4 What is the maximum number of slip copies that can be printed for checks in Microsoft Dynamics AX
Answer: B
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NO.5 The tax authority imposes special duties on an item. The duty amounts are added to the net amount
before the Sales tax is calculated. Which of the following options of origin must be set up in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2009 to calculate the Sales tax?
A.Percentage of net amount
B.Percentage of gross amount
C.Percentage of Sales tax
D.Amount per unit
Answer: B
Microsoft MB6-818 exam dumps MB6-818
NO.6 In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, what needs to be set up to view ledger balances in different
currencies, other than the default currency of the company?
A.Set up the other currency for conversion on the Currency convertor tab in the Exchange rates form.
B.Set the Validate currency code to the List option and specify currencies for all ledger accounts in the
Chart of accounts form.
C.Change the default currency to any other currency in the Company information form.
D.It is not possible to view balances in other currencies in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009.
Answer: A
Microsoft MB6-818 MB6-818 MB6-818 certification MB6-818 certification MB6-818
NO.7 The voucher templates in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 can be used with which of the following
Choose the 2 that apply.
A.General journal
B.Fixed asset journal
C.Purchase journal
D.Accounts payable invoice journal
Answer: AD
Microsoft test answers MB6-818 exam prep MB6-818 MB6-818 test MB6-818
NO.8 The Accountant wants to specify a check number manually when generating a payment. What setup
is required for the check number in the Check layout form in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009?
Answer: C
Microsoft study guide MB6-818 MB6-818 test questions MB6-818
NO.9 Contoso acquires a new fixed asset during January of this year and the To date for the depreciation
was set to December 31, 2008. The Controller notices that there is no depreciation posted since July 1,
2008 and instructs the Accountant to post the amounts for all depreciations from July through December
in a single journal line, where the date is set to December 31, 2008 on the proposed journal lines. Which
feature in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, helps the Accountant to achieve this?
A.Summarize depreciation
B.Depreciation convention
C.Derogatory depreciation
D.Extraordinary depreciation
Answer: A
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NO.10 What must be defined in the Bank Parameters form to manage Non-Sufficient Funds in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2009?
A.Bank groups
B.Bank transaction groups
C.Bank transaction type
D.Bank accounts
Answer: C
Microsoft exam simulations MB6-818 MB6-818 questions MB6-818
NO.11 Contoso has a standard vendor payment term of Net 30 days. If an order with a Net 30 days payment
terms is received on August 15, and the invoice is dated September 15; what is the due date for the
invoice in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009?
A.July 15
B.August 15
C.September 15
D.October 15
Answer: D
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NO.12 Sales tax group can be attached to which of the following options in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009?
Choose the 3 that apply.
C.Ledger accounts
D.Ledger budget
Answer: BCD
Microsoft exam MB6-818 MB6-818 answers real questions
NO.13 Contoso Entertainment Europe (CEE) is the subsidiary of Contoso Entertainment US (CEU).The
Consolidated company does not have any chart of accounts and the subsidiary chart of accounts is being
used in the consolidated company. Which of the following statements are true when this consolidation is
performed in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009?
A.The Current field must not be selected during the consolidation process.
B.The Consolidation account field must be selected during the consolidation process.
C.The Consolidation account field must not be selected during the consolidation process.
D.Enter the consolidation account field in the Chart of accounts of the Subsidiary company.
Answer: C
Microsoft demo MB6-818 study guide MB6-818 questions MB6-818 exam prep MB6-818 study guide
NO.14 What functionality is used to enter and reuse specific transaction identification when a record is
updated in journals?
A.Transaction history
B.Identification text
C.Voucher numbers
D.Transaction texts
Answer: D
Microsoft test questions MB6-818 practice test MB6-818 MB6-818
NO.15 What ledger accounts must be set up to capture the cash receipts and disbursements for cash flow
forecasting in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009?
Choose the 2 that apply.
A.Liquidity accounts
B.Dependent ledger accounts
C.Total accounts
D.Customer and vendor accounts
Answer: AB
Microsoft MB6-818 study guide MB6-818 exam simulations MB6-818 MB6-818 MB6-818
NO.16 How is the exchange rate for the default currency set up to specify the equivalent of 100 units of the
foreign currency?
A.Specify the Express exchange rate as 100 in the General ledger parameters form.
B.Specify the Express exchange rate as 1*100 in the General ledger parameters form.
C.Specify the Express exchange rate as 100 against each foreign currency in the Exchange rates form.
D.The exchange rate for the default currency can be specified only with the equivalent of one unit of the
foreign currency.
Answer: A
Microsoft exam MB6-818 MB6-818
NO.17 What is the purpose of Balance control accounts in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009?
A.To monitor the balance after a journal is posted.
B.To monitor only the current balance of an account as transactions are entered in a journal.
C.To monitor only the expected balance of an account as transactions are entered in a journal.
D.To monitor both the current balance and expected balance of an account as transactions are entered in
a journal.
Answer: D
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NO.18 The Financial Controller of Contoso decides to restrict the accounts to use in a specific journal. What
setup is used to achieve this in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009?
A.Transaction control
B.Posting restrictions
C.Journal control
D.Ledger accounts control
Answer: C
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NO.19 The Controller decides to give cash discounts to his domestic customer group. A cash discount of 10%
if paid within 5 days from the date of invoice, 5% if paid within 10 days, and 2% if paid within 14 days is
given; how can this scenario be achieved in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009?
A.For the 14 days 2% code, the 10 days 5% code is selected in the Next discount code list. For the 10
days 5% code, the 5 days 10% code is selected in the Next discount code.
B.For the 10 days 5% code, the 14 days 2% code is selected in the Next discount code list. For the 10
days 5% code, the 5 days 10% code is selected in the Next discount code.
C.For the 5 days 10% code, the 14 days 2% code is selected in the Next Discount Code list. For the 10
days 5% code, the 10 days 5% code is selected in the Next discount code.
D.For the 5 days 10% code, the 10 days 5% code is selected in the Next discount code list. For the 10
days 5% code, the 14 days 2% code is selected in the Next discount code.
Answer: D
Microsoft MB6-818 test MB6-818 MB6-818 practice test
NO.20 The Controller of Contoso decides to have a validation of dimensions for all the administrative
expense accounts. When a transaction is updated, it verifies that the dimension value entered in the
transaction matches the value specified in the ledger accounts. Which dimension validation is specified
for administrative expense accounts?
D.To be filled in
Answer: B
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NO.21 The Accounting Manager of Contoso instructs the Accounts Receivables Administrator not to allow
manual updates for settlement through the open edit transactions option. What must be set up in
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 to achieve automatic updates of settlement with an invoice?
Choose the 2 that apply.
A.Enable the Automatic settlement option in the Accounts receivables parameters form.
B.Enable the settlement option in the Posting profiles form for customers.
C.Clear the Automatic settlement check box in the General ledger parameters form.
D.Clear the Automatic settlement check box in the Posting profiles form for customers.
Answer: AB
Microsoft MB6-818 MB6-818 exam MB6-818 test answers MB6-818 answers real questions MB6-818
NO.22 The Accountant of Contoso wants to set up new terms of payment for a vendor that the company is
making late payments to currently. As per the vendor request, the payments now must be made within 10
days. What Payment method must be specified in the Terms of payment form to achieve this in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2009?
Answer: B
Microsoft study guide MB6-818 pdf MB6-818 exam simulations MB6-818 braindump MB6-818
NO.23 Which calculation methods are available for defining the Payment Fee in Microsoft Dynamics AX
Choose the 2 that apply.
Answer: CD
Microsoft exam dumps MB6-818 MB6-818 exam
NO.24 The Controller wants to have a bank transaction type which will be mandatory when the vendor
invoices are paid by check. What setup must be made in the Methods of Payment form to achieve this in
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009?
A.Specify the Bank transaction type in the Methods of payment form.
B.Select the Bank transaction type mandatory check box in the Methods of payment form.
C.Select Bank transaction type is mandatory in the bank accounts form.
D.Specify the Bank transaction type compulsorily and post a vendor payment journal.
Answer: B
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NO.25 How many Customer groups must be set up in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 to create customer
Answer: B
Microsoft dumps MB6-818 practice test MB6-818 certification
NO.26 From which of the following forms in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 do the values, if defined, flow in the
fields, Routing number, Days, Suffix, Drawer, Validate bank accounts, and Post account in the Bank
accounts form?
A.Bank group
B.Chart of accounts
C.Bank transaction type
D.Bank transaction groups
Answer: A
Microsoft MB6-818 MB6-818 study guide MB6-818 certification training MB6-818 certification training
NO.27 What ledger accounts must be specified in the Exchange rates form to track the currency profit and
losses when the exchange adjustment is run in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009?
A.Realized loss and profit
B.Unrealized loss and profit
C.Simulation loss and profit
D.Exchange adjustment loss and profit
Answer: B
Microsoft MB6-818 exam simulations MB6-818 certification MB6-818 certification
NO.28 The Controller wants to approve a daily journal posted by a newly appointed accountant. What setup
is required in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 to approve daily journals?
A.Select the Active option and assign a user group to the journal in the Journal names form.
B.Select the Active option for the user to approve the transactions in the User form for automatic approval
of the journal.
C.Set permissions at the security level for each module for approval.
D.Approval of transactions cannot be set in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009.
Answer: A
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NO.29 Which option must be selected for the Period in the Methods of payment form to combine all invoices
for customers with the same payment?
Answer: D
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NO.30 The Cash-Discount Administration in the Accounts Payable Parameters form is set to Unspecific. The
Accountant of Contoso managing Accounts Payable updates a vendor Invoice for USD 105 with an
obtainable cash discount of USD 10.50. Considering the cash discount, a payment of USD 94.50 must be
made to the vendor. The invoice was settled for USD 95 on the due date. To which account is the
difference of USD 0.50 posted in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009?
A.Vendors cash discount account.
B.Ledger account specified for cash discount differences.
C.Error account along with the vendors cash discount account.
D.Ledger account specified for penny differences for a cash discount.
Answer: B
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