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Exam Code: 000-M42
Exam Name: IBM (IBM Lotus Sametime Unified Telephony Basic Tech Sales Mas v1)
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NO.1 Which tool is used to prepare the configuration information for the TAS installation?
A. A text editor is used to put all TAS configurations into the responsefile.txt file
B. A tool with the name NCPE is used to create a node.cfg file
C. There is no tool necessary. The configuration is requested during installation.
D. The configuration tool YAST is used
Answer: A
IBM 000-M42 000-M42 000-M42 pdf
NO.2 How many possibilities does one have to make a SUT conference call?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 6
Answer: B
IBM 000-M42 certification training 000-M42 000-M42
NO.3 To make a "drag-and-drop" conference, the user.?
A. selects all other users and clicks to start the conference.
B. clicks for conference and then adds users one by one.
C. asks operator to add the next user in the existing conference.
D. selects new user and drag and drops on the current call.
Answer: D
IBM 000-M42 000-M42
We are committed to using IT-Tests.com IBM 000-M42 exam training materials, we can ensure that you pass the exam on your first attempt. If you are ready to take the exam, and then use our IT-Tests.com IBM 000-M42 exam training materials, we guarantee that you can pass it. If you do not pass the exam, we can give you a refund of the full cost of the materials purchased, or free to send you another product of same value.