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Exam Code: DP-022W
Exam Name: Veritas (Data Protection Implementation for Windows using NetBackup 5.0)
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DP-022W (Data Protection Implementation for Windows using NetBackup 5.0) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 A moderately used database server must be configured as a NetBack up client. The
database application is custom built and is not covered by a NetBackup database
agent. Backups must be performed quickly and open files need to be backed up. In
addition, the ability to restore individual files from backup is required.
Which of the following backup methods would best fit this scenario?
A. Copy-on-write snapshot
B. Mirror snapshot
C. Flash backup
D. True Image Restore enabled backup
Answer: C
Veritas dumps DP-022W DP-022W test questions
NO.2 Which two steps are required during the initial installation of a NetBackup master
server? (Choose two.)
A. create volume pools
B. define storage units
C. setup policy schedules
D. enter the server license
E. specify the NetBackup server type
Answer: D, E
Veritas test answers DP-022W demo DP-022W demo
NO.3 Which two statements are true about a media server upgrade installation from
version 4.5 to version 5.0? (Choose two.)
A. All clients must be on 50 if their media server is on 50
B. All master and media servers must be on NetBackup 5.0
C. The media servers must be on 4.5 or 50 if the clients are on 4.5
D. The master server can be upgraded to 5.0, and media servers can remain at4.5
Answer: C, D
Veritas DP-022W DP-022W exam dumps DP-022W DP-022W
NO.4 Which three methods can be used to ensure that your NetBackup catalog has been
backed up? (Choose three.)
A. in the GUI, right-click on "Catalog" and select "Configure NetBackup Catalog
B. individually run "bprecover -1" against your catalog images (tape or disk)
C. in the GUI, right-click on "Catalog" and select "Verify NetBackup Catalog
D. in the GUI, check the "Activity Monitor" for catalog backup results
Answer: A, B, D
Veritas test answers DP-022W DP-022W original questions DP-022W study guide
NO.5 You are currently assigned to conduct a NetBackup assessment for a Storage Area
Network environment. The system administrator wants to know how to verify that
the Fibre Channel switches are supported by VERITAS.
Which two tasks can be done to determine if VERITAS supports the switches?
(Choose two.)
A. review the SNIA Certification List
B. review the Compatibility Matrix Guide
C. review the Media Manager Device Configuration Guide
D. ask the system administrator which types of switches they are using
Answer: A, B
Veritas DP-022W DP-022W DP-022W DP-022W DP-022W exam simulations
NO.6 The master server host properties option "Free Browse" in the "General" tab will
allow ________.
A. accounts without local Administrator privileges on the master server to view
NetBackup configuration settings
B. any NetBackup client to view NetBackup configuration settings
C. designated NetBackup clients to view images from scheduled backups
D. the NetBackup master server to browse remote file systems when creating a file list
for a policy
Answer: C
Veritas exam DP-022W DP-022W DP-022W dumps DP-022W certification
NO.7 You have an MSSQL database that you need to add to your environment.
Which three items do you need to know before backups can be configured? (Choose
A. the version of MSSQL being used
B. the kind of authentication being used
C. the directories in which the database files are located
D. he backup retentions needed by the DBA
Answer: A, B, D
Veritas certification training DP-022W DP-022W exam dumps DP-022W questions DP-022W exam dumps
NO.8 In preparation for a master server upgrade, you want to launch a backup of the
NetBackup catalog. Which two methods accomplish this? (Choose two.)
A. in the GUI, right-click your configured catalog backup policy, and select "Manual
B. in the GUI, right-click on "Catalog" and select "Backup NetBackup Catalog "
C. from the command line, run "bpbackup" with appropriate switches
D. from the command line, run "bpbackupdb" with appropriate switches
Answer: B, D
Veritas exam dumps DP-022W exam DP-022W
NO.9 A disk-based storage unit must be created for use in a small number of backup
Which action is taken to ensure that this storage unit is used only by the intended
A. enable the "On demand only" option for the disk storage unit and target this specific
storage unit in each of the intended backup policies.
B. configure the disk storage unit as the destination storage unit in each of the intended
backup policies
C. add only the intended policies to the "Authorized Policies" tab of the storage unit
D. add the disk storage unit to a unique "Storage Unit Group" and target this specific
storage unit group in each of the intended backup policies
Answer: A
Veritas pdf DP-022W answers real questions DP-022W DP-022W exam simulations DP-022W certification
NO.10 Which directory path on the client can the client's patch level be determined?
A. <Install_path>\ Volmgr\Bin\Patch
B. <Install_path>\Patch
C. <Install_path>\ Volmgr\Bin\Version
D. <Install_path>\ Version
Answer: B
Veritas practice test DP-022W original questions DP-022W test answers DP-022W
NO.11 Which two methods determine the patch level of a client? (Choose two.)
A. Run the support script in the goodies directory on the master server
B. Select Help > About from the backup, Archive, and Restore interface on the client
C. Select Help > About from the NetBackup Administration Console on the media server
D. Select Help > About from the NetBackup Administration Console on the master
Answer: A, B
Veritas DP-022W DP-022W practice test
NO.12 What is required for Shared Storage Option installation?
A. Fibre Channel connections for all tape devices to be shared
B. a robot SCSI connection to all participating NetBackup media servers
C. 1-gigabit Ethernet communication between all participating NetBackup servers
D. A SSO license key on the NetBackup master server and on all participating
NetBackup media servers
Answer: D
Veritas DP-022W demo DP-022W certification training DP-022W
NO.13 Which two commands allow management of storage units through the command
line?(Choose two.)
A. bpstuadd
B. bpstulist
C. bpsturemove
D. bpstudelete
Answer: A, B
Veritas DP-022W test questions DP-022W
NO.14 An administrator planning a new NetBackup installation has 10,000 tapes in a single
library and 27 tape pools.
Which NetBackup feature allows automatic assignment of free tapes to any of the 27
pools when the pool runs out of tapes?
A. enabling a scratch pool
B. setting up bar code rules for each pool
C. turning on Media Multiplexing for each pool
D. enabling auto-assign media in the Universal Attributes tab
Answer: A
Veritas study guide DP-022W original questions DP-022W original questions
NO.15 The VERITAS device drivers have been installed on a Microsoft Windows server.
What must be done before configuring any devices?
A. run vmquery
B. run bpconfig
C. reboot the computer
D. restart NetBackup services
Answer: C
Veritas DP-022W DP-022W questions
NO.16 Which NetBackup command do you use to help verify NetBackup client
configuration and network connectivity?
A. Bpclntcmd -ip
B. Bpclntcmd -hn
C. Bpclntcmd -pn
D. Bpclntcmd -listall
Answer: C
Veritas study guide DP-022W DP-022W dumps DP-022W practice test
NO.17 Which two statements are true about installing multiple media servers? (Choose
A. A server license key must be installed on each media server
B. All media server installations must be pushed from the master server
C. All media server installations should be performed as root/administrator
D. All media server installations can be pushed from a media server with the same OS
Answer: A, C
Veritas DP-022W DP-022W questions DP-022W dumps
NO.18 Your company has a single master/media server. You have just updated the
NetBackup master server with the latest patch. Now all the hot Oracle database
backups fail.
What should you do?
A. patch Oracle Agents on all Oracle clients
B. reboot the master server after installing the patch
C. install the latest Oracle Agents patch on the master server
D. reboot the Oracle clients after installing the patch on the master server
Answer: B
Veritas practice test DP-022W certification training DP-022W demo DP-022W dumps
NO.19 You need to add a number of Windows servers from another department to your
NetBackup Windows 2003 master server. The system administrator for these
systems has given you a Domain Administrator account and permission to install
the client, but he will not be available to help you He has not given you access to the
computer room where the systems are physically located.
What is the supported method for installing the client?
A. A share the installation CD on the network, log into the systems through a "Remote
Terminal" session, map the CD and run setup.exe
B. from the Administration client on the master server, select all the remote clients in
"Host Properties", right-click and select "Client Install"
C. log in to any system on the domain as the domain administrator, run Launch.exe on
the install CD and installation to network clients
D.remote installation is not allowed;the system administrator will have to give you
physical access to the new clients
Answer: C
Veritas certification training DP-022W DP-022W DP-022W
NO.20 Which three conditions must be met for Synthetic backups? (Choose three.)
A.The policy type must be configured as "Standard" or "Ms_windows-NT"
B.The policy must have "Collect true image restore information" and "with move
detection" selected
C.The master server, media server and clients involved must be running NetBackup version
3.4 or higher
D.The schedule created for the synthetic backup must have the "Synthetic Backup" option
Answer: A, B, D
Veritas test questions DP-022W questions DP-022W test DP-022W exam simulations
Veritas certification DP-022W exams has a pivotal position in the IT industry, and I believe that a lot of IT professionals agree with it. Passing Veritas certification DP-022W exam has much difficulty and needs to have perfect IT knowledge and experience. Because after all, Veritas certification DP-022W exam is an authoritative test to inspect examinees' IT professional knowledge. If you have got a Veritas DP-022W certification, your IT professional ability will be approved by a lot of IT company. also has a pivotal position in IT training industry. Many IT personnels who have passed Veritas certification DP-022W exam used IT-Tests's help to pass the exam. This explains why IT-Tests's pertinence training program is very effective. If you use the training material we provide, you can 100% pass the exam.