
Latest HP HP2-N41 of exam practice questions and answers

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Exam Code: HP2-N41

Exam Name: HP (Selling HP ArcSight Information Security Solutions)

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NO.1 Which problems does HP EnterpriseView address?
A. mines data from across the entire enterprise, including HP Server Automation, HP
NetworkAutomation, and HP Operations Orchestration
B. collects, analyzes, and correlates your servers' data to give you better visibility into your risk
C. lets customers track their compliance state across their virtualized environments and helps
manage their software compliance regulations
D. provides vulnerability management, asset profiling, risk management
Answer: D

HP answers real questions   HP2-N41 study guide   HP2-N41 exam prep

NO.2 Enterprises and governments are facing the most aggressive threat environment in their
What is the main issue that is causing attacks to be more profound or wide-reaching?
A. Adversaries have become smarter, better organized, and more persistent as they look to gain
information capital and IP .
B. At any point in time, there are 200-300 potential security vulnerabilities representing thousands
of potential ways to be exploited.
C. Very few technology executives can confidently answer the simple question from their CEO:
"How secure is my business?"
D. Cyber threats are proven to be proliferating much slower.
Answer: B

HP exam   HP2-N41 exam prep   HP2-N41   HP2-N41

NO.3 What is a benefit of a holistic approach to security?
A. Decreasing the number of new security breaches
B. Proactive risk reduction: seeing everything, providing context, and acting appropriately
C. Increasing the protection of your cloud environment
D. Firefighting to solve a problem when a breach occurs
Answer: C

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NO.4 What is the key message about HP's Global security research efforts?
A. Collaborative effort of HP teams: DVLabs, ArcSight, Fortify, HP Labs
B. Discovering two times more software vulnerabilities than other IPS, NGFW vendors and
continuously finding more than the rest of the market combined
C. SANS, CERT, NIST, OSVDB, software and reputation vendors contributing information to the
ThreatLinQ security portal
D. Over 2000 customers helping DVLabs collect network and security data from around the globe
Answer: A

HP test   HP2-N41 original questions   HP2-N41 exam   HP2-N41   HP2-N41

NO.5 Which disruptive technology trend is relevant to ArcSight?
A. The decrease in the traditional corporate perimeter
B. Complexity resulting from removing blind spots
C. The increased drive to adopt new technologies
D. The decline of security compliance
Answer: A

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Now there are many IT professionals in the world and the competition of IT industry is very fierce. So many IT professionals will choose to participate in the IT certification exam to improve their position in the IT industry. HP2-N41 exam is a very important HP's certification exam. But if you want to get a HP certification, you must pass the exam.

