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Exam Code: 1Z1-554
Exam Name: Oracle (Oracle Application Development Framework 11g Essentials)
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1Z1-554 (Oracle Application Development Framework 11g Essentials) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 You have found a declarative component that you would like to use on one of the
pages that you are designing. Choose the correct sequence of steps to add the
component to the page.
A. Select the ADF library from the Component Palette. Add the ADF library to the
current project. Select the declarative component and drag it to the page. Deploy the
component's project as an ADF library JAR file.
B. Deploy the component's project as an ADF library JAR file. Add the ADF library
to the current project. Select the ADF library from the Component Palette. Select the
declarative component and drag it to the page. C. Add the ADF library to the current
project. Select the ADF library from the Component Palette. Select the declarative
component and drag it to the page.
Deploy the component's project as an ADF library JAR file.
D. Deploy the component's project as an ADF library JAR file. Select the ADF
library from the Component Palette. Select the declarative component and drag it to
the page. Add the ADF library to the current project.
E. Deploy the component's project as an ADF library JAR file. Select the ADF library
from the Component Palette. Add the ADF library to the current project. Select the
declarative component and drag it to the page.
Answer: A
Oracle 1Z1-554 answers real questions 1Z1-554 1Z1-554 1Z1-554
NO.2 For a Customers view object, you have defined a view criteria to show only U.S.
customers. On an ADF Faces page, you already have an ADF Faces table displaying
data from the Customers view object. How would you display a query panel on the
page that will allow you to select the view criteria and filter the existing Customers
table on the page?
A. Drag the view criteria as a query panel.
B. Drag the view criteria to the existing table and select query panel with table.
C. Drag the view criteria as a query panel, and then set the ID property of the query
panel to reference the table.
D. Drag the view criteria as a query panel, and then set the Resultcomponent ID
property of the query component to reference the table.
E. Drag the view criteria as a query panel, and then set the Model property of the
query component to reference the table binding.
F. Drag the view criteria as a query panel, and then set the value property of the query
component to reference the table binding.
Answer: D
Oracle 1Z1-554 1Z1-554 original questions
NO.3 You select a binding In the page definition file and set the ChangeEventPolicy
property to ppr. What effect does this action have on the way the page is rendered?
A. It allows a component to partially refresh another component whose partialSubmit
property is set to true.
B. When a user selects a new value In a field, the portion of the page where that
component resides is redrawn.
C. It enables you to add a component as a partial target for an event, so that when that
event is triggered, the partial target component is refreshed.
D. Components whose values change as a result of back-end logic are automatically
Answer: A
Oracle 1Z1-554 1Z1-554 1Z1-554
NO.4 An application module is named MyAppModule. No Java component is defined for
the module but the application does define a base class that extends
racle.jbo.serverAppiicationModuleimp1. Which two statements are true in this
A. Code In the base class will only be implemented if MyAppModuleApp1. java
extends the base class.
B. Any code in the base class will be implemented by MyAppModule.
C. No code in the base class will be implemented because an application-specific Java
component named MyAppModuleImp1. java does not exist.
D. Any code in the base class will be implemented by
E. The MyAppModule. xml definition will include a reference to the base class.
Answer: B
Oracle original questions 1Z1-554 certification training 1Z1-554 1Z1-554 1Z1-554 exam dumps
NO.5 You are debugging an application module method that seems to be causing an error
when the argument value is anything but "2". How could you most efficiently debug
this issue?
A. Set a breakpoint on the first line of the method implementation and set the
breakpoint property to break only for threads named oracie.jbo.Exception.
B. Set a breakpoint on the first line of the method implementation and set the
breakpoint pass count property to 2.
C. Set a breakpoint on the first line of the method implementation and set the
breakpoint condition to arg ! = 2.
D. Set a breakpoint on the method declaration (where the argument is defined) and
step through the breakpoint at execution to determine the argument value.
E. Set a breakpoint on the method declaration (where the argument is defined) and set
the condition to arg == 2.
Answer: A
Oracle 1Z1-554 1Z1-554 test answers 1Z1-554's Oracle 1Z1-554 exam training materials' simulation is particularly high. You can encounter the same questions in the real real exam. This only shows that the ability of our IT elite team is really high. Now many ambitious IT staff to make their own configuration files compatible with the market demand, to realize their ideals through these hot IT exam certification. Achieved excellent results in the Oracle 1Z1-554 exam. With the Oracle 1Z1-554 exam training of, the door of the dream will open for you.