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Exam Code: 9A0-092
Exam Name: Adobe (Flash CS4 ACE Certification )
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 90 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-03-07
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9A0-092 (Flash CS4 ACE Certification ) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 Which image type will perform best in a Flash Movie?
Select the best response.
B. Vector Graphics
C. Shape Primitive
D. Path
Answer: A
Adobe test 9A0-092 exam dumps 9A0-092 demo 9A0-092 dumps 9A0-092 braindump 9A0-092
NO.2 You want to import a resolution-independent image asset directly into Flash CS4.
Which image asset type should you use?
Select the best response.
Answer: A
Adobe exam 9A0-092 test answers 9A0-092 demo 9A0-092 9A0-092 test questions
NO.3 Which keyword is associated with creating subclasses?
Select the best response.
A. implements
B. extends
C. inherits
D. subclass
Answer: B
Adobe 9A0-092 9A0-092 exam simulations
NO.4 Which is an advantage of using the Document class as implemented in ActionScript 3?
Select the best response.
A. You no longer have to write any code in any frame on the main timeline.
B. The Document class is the final code executed in any SWF file.
C. Use of the Document class prevents the need for external ActionScript files.
D. The Document class cannot contain any functions, allowing for decentralized storage.
Answer: A
Adobe practice test 9A0-092 braindump 9A0-092 9A0-092 practice test
NO.5 Which image asset should be imported to keep good image quality when enlarging or reducing the
asset within Flash?
Select the best response.
A. Bitmap.
B. Vector.
Answer: B
Adobe test answers 9A0-092 questions 9A0-092 9A0-092 9A0-092 exam prep
NO.6 Given the following statement:
var catalog:XML = <products>
<product id="001" name="Widget" price="19.95" />
Which is the correct way to access the name attribute?
Select the best response.
B. products.product.@name;
D. catalog.product.@name;
Answer: D
Adobe exam 9A0-092 9A0-092 9A0-092 9A0-092 test 9A0-092 test answers
NO.7 You want to use the same static graphic multiple times in an animation.
Which image asset type should you use to optimize the animation?
Select the best response.
A. Vector
B. Bitmap
D. Tween
Answer: B
Adobe exam 9A0-092 9A0-092 questions 9A0-092 9A0-092
NO.8 Which class must a Document class extend in ActionScript 3.0?
Select the best response.
A. EventDispatcher
B. Sprite
C. Document
D. A Document class is not required to extend any specific class.
Answer: B
Adobe certification 9A0-092 9A0-092 test answers 9A0-092 exam dumps 9A0-092 exam prep
NO.9 You want to load external text into a Flash movie. Which two steps should you complete? (Choose
Select all that apply.
A. Create a textfield in Flash and set the text type to Dynamic Text and assign it a variable name.
B. Create a textfield in Flash and set the text type to Input Text and assign it a variable name.
C. Create a textfield in Flash and set the text type to Static Text and assign it a variable name.
D. Use the loadVariables action.
E. Use the loadMovie action.
Answer: AD
Adobe 9A0-092 study guide 9A0-092 9A0-092
NO.10 You need to test your application for dial-up, DSL, cable and LAN connections.
Which option when running a SWF through Flash allows you to test this performance?
Select the best response.
A. Preview the SWF in a web browser.
B. While testing the SWF in Flash, select Simulate Download.
C. Run the Performance Analyzer.
D. Right-click on the SWF and select Performance Test.
Answer: B
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