
SPSS IBMSPSSSTATL1P exam brain dumps

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Exam Name: SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics* Certification Level 1 (*formerly PASW Statistics))
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 70 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2014-03-06

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IBMSPSSSTATL1P (IBM SPSS Statistics* Certification Level 1 (*formerly PASW Statistics)) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/IBMSPSSSTATL1P.html

NO.1 In the Variable View, if you have a series of variables that share the same category coding
scheme, you can enter value labels for one variable, then copy these variables.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A

SPSS certification training   IBMSPSSSTATL1P questions   IBMSPSSSTATL1P exam prep   IBMSPSSSTATL1P exam   IBMSPSSSTATL1P dumps

NO.2 The assumption of homogeneity of variance is looking for the equivalence or group:
A. Means.
B. Medians
C. Standard Deviations.
D. Ranges
Answer: A


NO.3 When you read data stored in an Excel file via File...Open data, you may need to specify
which options? (Select all that apply)
A. Read variable names from the first row of data
B. Read a Range of cells
C. Specify the Worksheet to read/import
D. Number of Worksheets to read/import
Answer: A,B,C


NO.4 When performing CROSSTABS can control variables be added to the procedure?
A. Yes, by placing the variables in the row box.
B. Yes, by placing the variables in the column box.
C. Yes, by placing the variables in the layer box
D. No, control variables cannot be incorporated in a cross tabulation
Answer: C


NO.5 Which operations are available from the File menu? (Select all that apply)
A. Open and Save data files
B. Print the contents of the active IBM SPSS Statistics window
C. Exit IBM SPSS Statistics
D. Run the FREQUENCIES procedure
Answer: A


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Article Link: http://www.it-tests.com/IBMSPSSSTATL1P.html

