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Exam Code: 1z0-567

Exam Name: Oracle (Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management 8 Essentials)

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NO.1 Identify this window.
A. Portfolio
B. Portfolio view
C. Dashboard
D. Project statistics
Answer: B

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NO.2 Identify the business case that would support the creation of OBS elements to align with
elements within individual project plans.
A. Legal/regulatory requirements that prohibit users from seeing data across functional areas
smaller sets of project data
B. Mitigate the risk of significantly variant project management skill levels across an organization
C. Large projects with multiple cross-functional learns that will be responsible for
one set of project data
D. Supporting data export/import process to minimize risk of degrading schedule quality
Answer: C

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NO.3 The Open Requests for Resource's portlet lists unstaffed assignments involving roles on the
role team. Identify two ways that the portlet display can be organized.
A. Role by Project
B. Role by Resource
C. Project by Role
D. Resource by Project
E. Resource by Role
Answer: A,C

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NO.4 Calculated project user-defined fields __________and__________.
A. are created by system administrators
B. are managed by Configuration Management
C. are associated with formulas
D. are viewable in either the web interface or client
E. are defined in the web interface and only viewable in the web interface
Answer: C,D

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NO.5 Identify one filter enhancement in P6 R8.
A. Apply multiple filters simultaneously
B. Create filters with no more than three criteria
C. Cut, Copy, and paste filters
D. Assign filters to unique, single activity views
Answer: D

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NO.6 Identify three best practice uses of Notebook topics.
A. To document processes
B. To explain a constraint
C. To send out an email alert
D. To explain baseline update
E. To change user access
F. To update actual costs
G. To provide status information
Answer: A,B,G

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NO.7 Identify the true statement regarding Activity Step templates.
A. Activity % complete must be Physical when using Activity Step templates.
B. There are limits to the number of Activity Step templates in the database.
C. Activity Step templates are the place where resources are allocated and assigned.
D. Activity Step Templates are governed by global security.
Answer: A

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NO.8 A Physical % complete activity has an original duration of 10, and a remaining duration of 10.
The actual
start is assigned to the activity. Physical % is updated to equal 80%.
What is the remaining duration for this activity?
A. 80
B. 10
C. 2
D. 8
Answer: D

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NO.9 You are working with a customer that has had Primavera P6 running in a global instance for
four years
the customer has asked you to come in and review the instance to identity opportunities for
optimizing the
system. As you look into the coding libraries, you see much duplication of project codes. You
that the customer come to consensus on the duplicate codes and values, and then eliminate the
redundant codes.
What functionality should you utilize to minimize the potential disruption to the user base?
A. Send out communication that the codes will be eliminated.
B. Eliminate the codes and manage usage issues by exception.
C. Document, usage of each code and value in filters and views.
D. Merge the codes rather than eliminating them.
Answer: D

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NO.10 Identify two formats available in the Capacity Planning chart.
A. Stacked histogram
B. Pie
C. Area
D. Variance
E. Cost
Answer: A,C

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NO.11 Select two true statements about the Portfolio Analysis tab in Primavera P6 EPPM.
A. Conducts a side-by-side comparison of an unlimited number of portfolios
B. Conducts a side-by-side comparison of two projects
C. Conducts a side-by-side comparison of two portfolios
D. Conducts a side by-side comparison of one project displayed in different views
E. Conducts a side by-side comparison of the same portfolio displayed in different views
Answer: C,E

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NO.12 Select the true statement regarding currencies.
A. Only one base currency is supported per database.
B. Currencies are updated daily per exchange rates.
C. Only 10 currencies are supported in Primavera.
D. Only two currencies are supported in Primavera.
Answer: A

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NO.13 Identify the true statement regarding currencies.
A. Currencies are predefined at installation.
B. Exchange rates are automatically updated monthly.
C. P6 supports an unlimited number of currencies.
D. US dollars is the only valid currency for financial transactions.
Answer: C

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NO.14 You are an application administrator that has been asked to create a portfolio for an
executive. You
create the portfolio and have the user test to see whether it meets requirements. However there
are a
couple of projects that are missing. You look for the portfolio, but it is no longer visible to you.
What is the cause of this problem?
A. The global filters for the portfolio must be refreshed.
B. You do not have read/write access to the portfolio.
C. You created it for one user, and you are not that user.
D. The projects were deleted in error.
Answer: C

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NO.15 You are a portfolio manager, and a filter has been set to identity and assign projects to your
You are in Primavera P6 EPPM web interface.
How could you be certain that the list of projects in your portfolio is complete?
A. By manually hiding projects
B. By manually adding new projects
C. By manually refreshing the filter
D. By manually updating projects
Answer: C

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