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Exam Code: 1Z0-561
Exam Name: Oracle (Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking 11 Basic Implementation Essentials)
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NO.1 What is true about Dormancy Days in Account Class?
A. MarkCustomer Account as Dormant as part of EOD batch process if there are no debit and
credittransactions for the number of days maintained under Dormancy Days in Account Class.
B. Close Customer Account as part of EOD batch process if there are no debit and credit
transactionsforthe number of days maintained under Dormancy Days in Account Class.
C. AutomaticallyTick No Debit and No Credit flag as part of EOD batch process if there areno debit are
credit transactions for thenumber of days maintained under Dormancy Days in Account Class.
D. Mark the customer linked to the Customer Account as Dormant.
Answer: A
Oracle 1Z0-561 1Z0-561 study guide 1Z0-561 1Z0-561
NO.2 Which definitions does Bank Parameter Maintenance allow?
A) Account Class Mask Definition
B) CIF Mask Definition
C) Product Mask Definition
D) GL Mask Definition
A. A, B, C and D
B. A, B and C
C. A, B and D
D. B and D
Answer: C
Oracle 1Z0-561 1Z0-561 braindump 1Z0-561 exam dumps 1Z0-561 1Z0-561 questions
NO.3 Oracle FLEXCUBE Branch Teller can perform multiple operations using the DD Teller screen. Which are
valid Teller DD operations?
A) DD issue against GL
B) DD issue against Walkin
C) DD liquidation against GL
D) DD sale against account
A. A,B and C
B. A, B, CandD
C. AandC
D. D
Answer: C
Oracle 1Z0-561 answers real questions 1Z0-561 certification
NO.4 In which conventions is currency rounded?
A) Truncate
B) Round Up
C) Round Down
D) All the above
A. A and B
B. B and C
C. A and C
D. D
Answer: D
Oracle braindump 1Z0-561 1Z0-561 demo
NO.5 An MM Borrowing contract has been created. The contract value date is 0l-Jan-2010 and maturity date
is 31-Mar-2010. The customer has approached the bank and requested for an extension of the contract
with a maturity date of 02-Apr-2010.
From which screen of the MM module, can the extension of this contract be performed?
A. MM Rollover screen
B. MM Contract Schedule screen
C. MM Value Dated Amendment screen
D. from all of these three screens
Answer: C
Oracle 1Z0-561 1Z0-561 pdf
NO.6 When is the "Year-end P/L Account" (specified at the Bank level) used.?
A. when a particular GL is closed
B. whenthe GL to which year-end balancesshould be posted is not specified inAccounts
C. when all year-end transactions pertaining to Memo GL are to be posted
D. when previous year adjustment entries are to be posted
Answer: B
Oracle study guide 1Z0-561 1Z0-561 demo
NO.7 Which statements are true in regards to Change Class?
A) Different Association, Application and Liquidation events will be available.
B) Different Basic Amount Tags will be available.
C) Different Third-Party Types will be available.
D) Different User-Defined Fields will be available.
A. A. and B
B. C and D
C. A and D
D. B and D
Answer: B
Oracle test questions 1Z0-561 1Z0-561 1Z0-561 test 1Z0-561 original questions 1Z0-561
NO.8 A bank has ICCF Rule implemented to collect its processing charges, but due to regulation changes
now it can no longer levy these charges on the transactions.
What changes are required in Oracle FLEXCUBE to implement new requirement?
A. Amend therespective products and select the "Stop Application" flag in the Charge Definition screen.
B. Unlock the ICCF Rule and delink all the attached products.
C. Reverse the ICCF Rule.
D. Delete the ICCF Rule.
Answer: D
Oracle test 1Z0-561 1Z0-561 test answers 1Z0-561
NO.9 In which depreciation method does the depreciation amount specified by the bank on a fixed asset does
not remain constant throughout that asset s useful life?
C. Activity Depreciation Method
D. Sum of Digits Depreciation Method
Answer: D
Oracle braindump 1Z0-561 1Z0-561 braindump 1Z0-561 answers real questions 1Z0-561 answers real questions
NO.10 Which can be restricted for a facility?
A) Customers B) Branches C) Products D) Currencies
A. All
B. A, B and D
C. A, C and D
D. B, C and D
Answer: B
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What is IT-Tests.com Oracle 1Z0-561 exam training materials? There are many online sites provide Oracle 1Z0-561 exam training resources. But IT-Tests.com provide you the most actual information. IT-Tests.com have professional personnel of certification experts, technical staff, and comprehensive language masters. They are always studying the latest Oracle 1Z0-561 exam. Therefore, if you want to pass the Oracle 1Z0-561 examination, please Login IT-Tests.com website. It will let you close to your success, and into your dream paradise step by step.