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NO.1 A business analyst has made several runtime changes to deployed business rules that were
implemented in IBM Integration Designer (IID). Which task should the integration developer perform so
that the rule group can be imported using IID, and the changes are reflected in the project source?
A. Use the administrative console to export the rule group.
B. Use the Business Rule Manager application to export the rule group.
C. Use the Business Rules widget in Business Space to export the rule group.
D. Use the Business Process Choreographer (BPC) Explorer to export the rule group information.
Answer: A
IBM 000-270 questions 000-270 000-270 000-270 exam dumps
NO.2 An integration developer is testing the process shown in the following exhibits.
If the integration developer starts an instance of the ProcessA process with an input of "HELLO", which of
the following strings will the LogSnippet snippet write to System.out?
A. output1=ORIGINAL :: aString=ORIGINAL
B. output1=ORIGINAL :: aString=MODIFIED
C. output1=MODIFIED :: aString=ORIGINAL
D. output1=MODIFIED :: aString=MODIFIED
Answer: C
IBM 000-270 pdf 000-270 exam dumps
NO.3 A client requires that a new BPEL process return a fault message to the requester in case the process
does not complete correctly. The integration developer has added a fault handler to the process to catch
all exceptions. How should the integration developer return the fault message?
A. Use a throw activity of a business fault.
B. Use a reply activity using a standard fault.
C. Use a reply activity using a business fault defined in the interface.
D. Use a rethrow activity in the fault handler on the process scope using a fault defined in the interface.
Answer: C
IBM 000-270 practice test 000-270 exam simulations 000-270 exam simulations
NO.4 An integration developer needs to check which Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) events have been
generated for a business process and review the information contained inside each event. Where will the
integration developer find this information?
A. In the Common Base Event browser application.
B. In the monitoring widgets in Business Space.
C. In the administrative console -> Service Integration -> Common Event Infrastructure -> Event Service
D. In the Business Process Choreographer Explorer -> Views tab -> Process Instances -> Events
Answer: A
IBM 000-270 braindump 000-270 000-270 test answers
NO.5 An integration developer needs to rewrite business rule logic written in Java using a business rule
component. The integration developer has implemented the selector shown in the exhibits below.
What behavior will the integration developer observe with the configured selector?
A. The module will fail to compile because there is no wiring between the selector and the destination
B. The module will fail to compile because the destination of the selector can only be rule logic or decision
C. The runtime exception will be thrown because there is no default component configured.
D. The runtime exception will be thrown if the date when the selector is invoked does not fall in any of the
specified date ranges.
Answer: D
IBM exam simulations 000-270 000-270 000-270 original questions
NO.6 An integration developer has developed the following business process, as shown in the exhibit: The
invoke activities Invoke1 and Invoke2 are synchronous invocations and execute in a few seconds. A
compensation handler needs to be defined for Snippet2 following a business action from the customer.
The customer considers performance to be a key requirement. How would the integration developer
implement these requirements? The business process needs to be a:
A. long-running process because of the required fault handler.
B. long-running process because of the required compensation handler.
C. microflow because no human tasks are required.
D. microflow for best performance as every invoke activity uses synchronous invocation and executes
Answer: B
IBM pdf 000-270 000-270 test 000-270 000-270 exam simulations 000-270 test
NO.7 An integration developer has configured a BPEL business process for a customer, as shown below:
What behavior will the integration developer observe when executing the flow?
A. It is possible for both Snippet2 and Snippet3 to execute.
B. The execution order of the links entering Snippet2 and Snippet3 has no impact on the process flow.
C. The gateway leading into Snippet5 will cause an error because the navigation behavior is not set
D. The gateway leading into Snippet4 will cause an error because the link exiting Snippet2 has no
Answer: C
IBM 000-270 000-270 certification training 000-270 000-270 exam dumps 000-270 exam prep
NO.8 An integration developer has configured a BPEL business process for a customer, as shown below:
Assume that max is greater than min. What should the integration developer take into account when
implementing this for each loop?
A. There must be an array associated with the for each loop.
B. It is possible to exit the loop before Index is equal to max.
C. The values of min and max cannot be changed once the for each activity begins.
D. If the scope inside of the for each activity is set to isolated, then the activities will run sequentially.
Answer: D
IBM exam 000-270 000-270 000-270 certification training
NO.9 An integration developer has configured a BPEL business process for a customer, as shown below:
What should the integration developer consider when implementing this flow?
A. An Otherwise element must be added to the Choice activity.
B. A Timeout element must be added to the ReceiveChoice activity.
C. It is possible for Snippet1 and Snippet2 to run concurrently in the same instance of the process.
D. If Snippet1 is invoked in an instance of the process, that instance will not receive messages sent to the
Service2 interface.
Answer: D
IBM practice test 000-270 exam 000-270 exam simulations
NO.10 An integration developer has configured a business state machine, as shown below:
What behavior will the integration developer observe when executing the flow?
A. If Condition3 is false, then Exit1 will execute after Timeout2 expires.
B. If Condition1 and Condition2 are both true, then a runtime exception will be thrown.
C. If Condition1 is false, then Timeout1 will not be evaluated.
D. If Condition1 and Condition2 are both false, then operation2 will be called by the business state
Answer: A
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